May 2020 Product Updates

Follow Up Boss Tips
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The Follow Up Boss product and engineering teams released some exciting updates in May. Namely, the all-new Inbox & Team Inbox experience and a really cool personalized website CTA. Read on to see how to use these new features to close more deals.

Reminder: You can shape Follow Up Boss

As always, we are grateful for all your feedback and support in shaping Follow Up Boss into a first-class experience for you and your team. Do you have an insight or perspective to share? We want to hear from you! There are three easy ways you can share feedback with our team:

Now, without further ado, here's everything we released in May!

New Inbox & Team Inbox

The Inbox is the center of your Follow Up Boss universe. It's where you start your day, act on incoming leads and respond to your clients. No matter how many new, cutting-edge things we add to Follow Up Boss, we'll always work to make sure the core experience is the best it can be. That's why we took a hard look at the Inbox and re-imagined it from the ground up.

In pursuit of Inbox Zero

The core idea behind the new Inbox is that agents should work toward Inbox Zero. That means replying to all emails and texts and then moving them out of your Inbox so that you always know where a conversation stands: If it's in the Inbox, it needs attention. If it's not, it's taken care of. So, now we have new concepts like closing and archiving conversations:

The Inbox Zero philosophy lets you be confident that you don't have any communications slipping through the cracks. Get full details and setup tips in the Support Center.

Easier Workflow

We've also updated the interface to make your workflow more efficient so you can hit that Inbox Zero goal faster. This includes:

  • Contact details and recent activity are now right inside of the Inbox
  • One-click access to the contact's full record
  • Add notes directly from the Inbox

Mass Actions

You asked for mass actions, and now they're here. Here's what you can mass apply to leads in your Inbox:

  • Mark conversations as Read
  • Mark conversation as Unread
  • Close conversations
  • Reopen closed conversations
  • Assign conversations to an agent or an inbox

Team Inbox

Are you part of a team that collaborates on inbound calls and texts? Now, you can set up a Team Inbox that routes all your marketing calls and texts into one team workflow. Unlike the Company Inbox, which routes leads to specific agents, Team Inbox lets your whole team see what needs to be addressed and easily handle it themselves or assign someone else to complete the task.

👇 Just watch this video👇

The changes o the Inbox and the new Team Inbox are tough to describe in words, and you're probably tired of gifs at this point. So do yourself a favor and watch this handy overview video. In just 5 minutes you'll gain a new understanding of how your Inbox works and how Team Inbox can help your team work smarter:

Personalized CTAs for your website

You've got the Follow Up Boss Pixel on your website, right? If not, stop what you're doing and get it installed ASAP, because you're missing out on awesome features like website activity tracking, emails and texts that merge in recently reviewed properties, and more. It supports almost any website platform and installs in minutes (and we can help you get it done).

One of the best things you can do with Pixel is drive more inbound calls and texts with website calls to action (CTAs). Pixel allows you to activate website pop ups with your phone number and a short message, making it easy for leads to call or text with one tap.

And now, these aren't just any CTAs--they're personal. The latest update gives you the option to add the name, photo and phone number of the agent assigned to the lead:

When you show your visitors a real name and face, they know they're a real person who can help them with the real estate needs, and that increases lead volume.

That's it for May. Now if you'll excuse us, we need to get to work on a couple of features that the Follow Up Boss community has been pounding the table for. Big updates coming in June! 🤐 😎 ✌️

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