
Leadngage works to bring all your message channels into Follow Up Boss. Optimize your lead conversion by utilizing drip texting within Follow Up Boss Action Plans.

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Some Features Free
Developed by
Follow up Boss

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Main features

  • Drip SMS in Action Plans
  • SMS Conversations
  • Social Media Messaging
  • Website Chat Widget (Standard or Engagement Widget Add-On)
  • Missed Call Text Back
  • Text for Info
  • Call Connect (Beta)
  • Ask.AI (Beta)

Main features

  • Drip SMS in Action Plans
  • SMS Conversations
  • Social Media Messaging
  • Website Chat Widget (Standard or Engagement Widget Add-On)
  • Missed Call Text Back
  • Text for Info
  • Call Connect (Beta)
  • Ask.AI (Beta)
man smiling for the camera


Trusted by more top teams than any other CRM

Main features

  • Drip SMS in Action Plans
  • SMS Conversations
  • Social Media Messaging
  • Website Chat Widget (Standard or Engagement Widget Add-On)
  • Missed Call Text Back
  • Text for Info
  • Call Connect (Beta)
  • Ask.AI (Beta)

Main features

  • Drip SMS in Action Plans
  • SMS Conversations
  • Social Media Messaging
  • Website Chat Widget (Standard or Engagement Widget Add-On)
  • Missed Call Text Back
  • Text for Info
  • Call Connect (Beta)
  • Ask.AI (Beta)

Main features

  • Drip SMS in Action Plans
  • SMS Conversations
  • Social Media Messaging
  • Website Chat Widget (Standard or Engagement Widget Add-On)
  • Missed Call Text Back
  • Text for Info
  • Call Connect (Beta)
  • Ask.AI (Beta)

Main features

  • Drip SMS in Action Plans
  • SMS Conversations
  • Social Media Messaging
  • Website Chat Widget (Standard or Engagement Widget Add-On)
  • Missed Call Text Back
  • Text for Info
  • Call Connect (Beta)
  • Ask.AI (Beta)

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Drip SMS in Action Plans

Build out your personalized drip texts through Follow Up Boss action plan notes using Leadngage commands. These drip texts are sent during your time zone’s business hours. Send replies to both SMS and social media messages with the Leadngage Embedded App.

Drip SMS in Action Plans

Build out your personalized drip texts through Follow Up Boss action plan notes using Leadngage commands. These drip texts are sent during your time zone’s business hours. Send replies to both SMS and social media messages with the Leadngage Embedded App.

man smiling for the camera


Trusted by more top teams than any other CRM

Drip SMS in Action Plans

Build out your personalized drip texts through Follow Up Boss action plan notes using Leadngage commands. These drip texts are sent during your time zone’s business hours. Send replies to both SMS and social media messages with the Leadngage Embedded App.

Drip SMS in Action Plans

Build out your personalized drip texts through Follow Up Boss action plan notes using Leadngage commands. These drip texts are sent during your time zone’s business hours. Send replies to both SMS and social media messages with the Leadngage Embedded App.

Drip SMS in Action Plans

Build out your personalized drip texts through Follow Up Boss action plan notes using Leadngage commands. These drip texts are sent during your time zone’s business hours. Send replies to both SMS and social media messages with the Leadngage Embedded App.

Drip SMS in Action Plans

Build out your personalized drip texts through Follow Up Boss action plan notes using Leadngage commands. These drip texts are sent during your time zone’s business hours. Send replies to both SMS and social media messages with the Leadngage Embedded App.

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Text for Info

Use Text for Info codes to capture leads from your signs, social media posts, postcards, flyers, and more. Works when a lead texts the phrase of any of the provided code numbers or words to your Leadngage Twilio number. Take the lead interaction a step farther by engaging them with FUB automations based on the code texted in. Personalize the responses based on the property or promotion of the materials related to each code.

Text for Info

Use Text for Info codes to capture leads from your signs, social media posts, postcards, flyers, and more. Works when a lead texts the phrase of any of the provided code numbers or words to your Leadngage Twilio number. Take the lead interaction a step farther by engaging them with FUB automations based on the code texted in. Personalize the responses based on the property or promotion of the materials related to each code.

man smiling for the camera


Trusted by more top teams than any other CRM

Text for Info

Use Text for Info codes to capture leads from your signs, social media posts, postcards, flyers, and more. Works when a lead texts the phrase of any of the provided code numbers or words to your Leadngage Twilio number. Take the lead interaction a step farther by engaging them with FUB automations based on the code texted in. Personalize the responses based on the property or promotion of the materials related to each code.

Text for Info

Use Text for Info codes to capture leads from your signs, social media posts, postcards, flyers, and more. Works when a lead texts the phrase of any of the provided code numbers or words to your Leadngage Twilio number. Take the lead interaction a step farther by engaging them with FUB automations based on the code texted in. Personalize the responses based on the property or promotion of the materials related to each code.

Text for Info

Use Text for Info codes to capture leads from your signs, social media posts, postcards, flyers, and more. Works when a lead texts the phrase of any of the provided code numbers or words to your Leadngage Twilio number. Take the lead interaction a step farther by engaging them with FUB automations based on the code texted in. Personalize the responses based on the property or promotion of the materials related to each code.

Text for Info

Use Text for Info codes to capture leads from your signs, social media posts, postcards, flyers, and more. Works when a lead texts the phrase of any of the provided code numbers or words to your Leadngage Twilio number. Take the lead interaction a step farther by engaging them with FUB automations based on the code texted in. Personalize the responses based on the property or promotion of the materials related to each code.

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Website chat widgets

Use Web Chat Widgets to allow website visitors to send you a message which converts to an SMS conversation. Customize your welcome message and web chat prompt to build custom messages for different web pages, time on page, sounds, or scroll actions. You can also incorporate videos directly into welcome message popups, videos or video links in the widget itself, lead forms, external links, reviews, and more.

Website chat widgets

Use Web Chat Widgets to allow website visitors to send you a message which converts to an SMS conversation. Customize your welcome message and web chat prompt to build custom messages for different web pages, time on page, sounds, or scroll actions. You can also incorporate videos directly into welcome message popups, videos or video links in the widget itself, lead forms, external links, reviews, and more.

man smiling for the camera


Trusted by more top teams than any other CRM

Website chat widgets

Use Web Chat Widgets to allow website visitors to send you a message which converts to an SMS conversation. Customize your welcome message and web chat prompt to build custom messages for different web pages, time on page, sounds, or scroll actions. You can also incorporate videos directly into welcome message popups, videos or video links in the widget itself, lead forms, external links, reviews, and more.

Website chat widgets

Use Web Chat Widgets to allow website visitors to send you a message which converts to an SMS conversation. Customize your welcome message and web chat prompt to build custom messages for different web pages, time on page, sounds, or scroll actions. You can also incorporate videos directly into welcome message popups, videos or video links in the widget itself, lead forms, external links, reviews, and more.

Website chat widgets

Use Web Chat Widgets to allow website visitors to send you a message which converts to an SMS conversation. Customize your welcome message and web chat prompt to build custom messages for different web pages, time on page, sounds, or scroll actions. You can also incorporate videos directly into welcome message popups, videos or video links in the widget itself, lead forms, external links, reviews, and more.

Website chat widgets

Use Web Chat Widgets to allow website visitors to send you a message which converts to an SMS conversation. Customize your welcome message and web chat prompt to build custom messages for different web pages, time on page, sounds, or scroll actions. You can also incorporate videos directly into welcome message popups, videos or video links in the widget itself, lead forms, external links, reviews, and more.

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Call connect

Call Connect allows agents to call leads using their Leadngage Twilio number quickly by clicking on the “Call Connect” button in the FUB embedded app. The agent’s cell phone rings and lets them know to press one to connect to the lead “Please Press 1 to Connect to John Smith.”

Call connect

Call Connect allows agents to call leads using their Leadngage Twilio number quickly by clicking on the “Call Connect” button in the FUB embedded app. The agent’s cell phone rings and lets them know to press one to connect to the lead “Please Press 1 to Connect to John Smith.”

man smiling for the camera


Trusted by more top teams than any other CRM

Call connect

Call Connect allows agents to call leads using their Leadngage Twilio number quickly by clicking on the “Call Connect” button in the FUB embedded app. The agent’s cell phone rings and lets them know to press one to connect to the lead “Please Press 1 to Connect to John Smith.”

Call connect

Call Connect allows agents to call leads using their Leadngage Twilio number quickly by clicking on the “Call Connect” button in the FUB embedded app. The agent’s cell phone rings and lets them know to press one to connect to the lead “Please Press 1 to Connect to John Smith.”

Call connect

Call Connect allows agents to call leads using their Leadngage Twilio number quickly by clicking on the “Call Connect” button in the FUB embedded app. The agent’s cell phone rings and lets them know to press one to connect to the lead “Please Press 1 to Connect to John Smith.”

Call connect

Call Connect allows agents to call leads using their Leadngage Twilio number quickly by clicking on the “Call Connect” button in the FUB embedded app. The agent’s cell phone rings and lets them know to press one to connect to the lead “Please Press 1 to Connect to John Smith.”

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Missed call text back

Any incoming calls to the Leadngage number that are not answered can be set to trigger a Missed Call Text Back. Customize your text that goes out to leads when you miss a call. All replies to the missed call text are pushed into your FUB account the same way other Leadngage incoming messages are sent

Missed call text back

Any incoming calls to the Leadngage number that are not answered can be set to trigger a Missed Call Text Back. Customize your text that goes out to leads when you miss a call. All replies to the missed call text are pushed into your FUB account the same way other Leadngage incoming messages are sent

man smiling for the camera


Trusted by more top teams than any other CRM

Missed call text back

Any incoming calls to the Leadngage number that are not answered can be set to trigger a Missed Call Text Back. Customize your text that goes out to leads when you miss a call. All replies to the missed call text are pushed into your FUB account the same way other Leadngage incoming messages are sent

Missed call text back

Any incoming calls to the Leadngage number that are not answered can be set to trigger a Missed Call Text Back. Customize your text that goes out to leads when you miss a call. All replies to the missed call text are pushed into your FUB account the same way other Leadngage incoming messages are sent

Missed call text back

Any incoming calls to the Leadngage number that are not answered can be set to trigger a Missed Call Text Back. Customize your text that goes out to leads when you miss a call. All replies to the missed call text are pushed into your FUB account the same way other Leadngage incoming messages are sent

Missed call text back

Any incoming calls to the Leadngage number that are not answered can be set to trigger a Missed Call Text Back. Customize your text that goes out to leads when you miss a call. All replies to the missed call text are pushed into your FUB account the same way other Leadngage incoming messages are sent

Start your free trial

Social media messages

Leadngage will create new leads in FUB for your incoming Facebook Business Messages, Instagram Messages, and Google My Business Chats. Reply directly within Follow Up Boss using the Leadngage embedded app. Visit www.leadngage.com for more details or book a demo.

Social media messages

Leadngage will create new leads in FUB for your incoming Facebook Business Messages, Instagram Messages, and Google My Business Chats. Reply directly within Follow Up Boss using the Leadngage embedded app. Visit www.leadngage.com for more details or book a demo.

man smiling for the camera


Trusted by more top teams than any other CRM

Social media messages

Leadngage will create new leads in FUB for your incoming Facebook Business Messages, Instagram Messages, and Google My Business Chats. Reply directly within Follow Up Boss using the Leadngage embedded app. Visit www.leadngage.com for more details or book a demo.

Social media messages

Leadngage will create new leads in FUB for your incoming Facebook Business Messages, Instagram Messages, and Google My Business Chats. Reply directly within Follow Up Boss using the Leadngage embedded app. Visit www.leadngage.com for more details or book a demo.

Social media messages

Leadngage will create new leads in FUB for your incoming Facebook Business Messages, Instagram Messages, and Google My Business Chats. Reply directly within Follow Up Boss using the Leadngage embedded app. Visit www.leadngage.com for more details or book a demo.

Social media messages

Leadngage will create new leads in FUB for your incoming Facebook Business Messages, Instagram Messages, and Google My Business Chats. Reply directly within Follow Up Boss using the Leadngage embedded app. Visit www.leadngage.com for more details or book a demo.