Cloud CMA

Cloud CMA is the real estate industry’s leading report generating tool that creates beautiful reports to make you look awesome in front of clients and win more listings.

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Cloud CMA

What makes CloudCMA special?

Cloud CMA is the real estate industry’s leading report generating tool that creates beautiful reports to make you look awesome in front of clients and win more listings. Create CMAs, Buyer Tours, Property Reports or Flyers with just the click of a button. All reports are branded to you and completely customizable. And Cloud CMA does more than just reports! Every subscriber gets a free lead generating landing page that instantly and automatically responds to leads with a CMA report on your behalf.

How does CloudCMA work? What can agents expect?

With your free lead generating landing page that comes with Cloud CMA, you can easily share this page on social media, in your email signature line, or use it in paid advertising to generate seller leads and automatically follow up.

What are the top ways that real estate agents can benefit from using CloudCMA?

Over 300,000 agents nationwide are using Cloud CMA to write more offers and win more listings. And with over 10 million reports generated there’s never been a better way to make a CMA!

What one piece of advice would you give to ambitious real estate agents looking to succeed?

Every agent needs to be able to present professionally and inform potential buyers and sellers of market conditions. Leading with quality branded content and up to date information will separate average agents that simply print out MLS Info for their clients.

What separates you from competitors in your space?

At W+R Studios – creators of Cloud CMA and the Cloud Agent Suite – We believe in agents. We believe that MLS data is your best asset so all of our products are designed to leverage that and help you win more business. We focus specifically on design. This separates us from most products in our space, our direct relationships with MLS nationwide allows us to deliver a top-notch user experience with accurate and quality data from local MLS’s

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