We’re back for another round up of everything we shipping in April!
A few highlights:
- Appointments is now out of beta and available to all customers
- Appointments have been added to the new reporting system
- Big improvements to Agent Activity Reporting
- Improved support for Emojis
We also just spent the last week of April hanging out with the entire team. As a remote team, while we always stay in very close communication, it’s important to get together a few times each year in person, to review together what’s working well and where we can continue to improve to better serve you! Lots of good food, laughs and big plans already in motion!

Action Plan Sharing
If you have an action plan which you’d like to share with the Follow Up Boss community, you can now do this easily within Follow Up Boss. Go to the action plan screen in your account, and click the share button next to an action plan.

Soon, as more teams have shared some of their action plans, you will be able to go into the Action Plan Library and import any of the action plans into your account.
If you want to make some changes to an imported action plan to adapt it to your needs, you can make a copy in your account and change it as you want.
Editing lead names on Android
You can now edit the name of your leads in the new Android app.

Appointment Reporting
Appointments have been added to the Agent Activity report. From the Agent Activity report page, click “+ Add Columns” to add the appointments count to the report.

Android Recent Leads Screen
The new android app now has a recent leads tab on the People screen. This tab shows all of your most recent leads in one place. You can swipe down on the list at any time to refresh the list.

Android Calendar
This update to the new android app shows all of your upcoming tasks in once place.
Current features
- Shows a list of your upcoming tasks grouped by date (as well as any overdue tasks from up to 3 days ago)
- Quickly add new tasks by tapping the add button
- Tap into a task to view details, edit, or mark it as complete
Emoji support for emailing
Emojis are now supported when emails are sent from and displayed by FUB.
This includes batch emails (currently beta), 1 to 1 emails, and action plan emails.
Email templates now support emojis as well.
Connect Your Office 365 Email
If you are using Office 365 for your email, you can now connect your Office 365 account in FUB2. This was already available in FUB Classic, but we’ve brought this over to Follow Up Boss 2.

Appointments available to all customers!
With our new appointments feature, you can schedule appointments with your contacts and/or team members, and the best part is that if you have a Google account connected they will sync to your Google Calendar — so you can be notified about upcoming appointments the same way you are notified about anything else you create on your Google Calendar.

Some of you have had access to this for a while, as we’ve been gradually rolling this out. Appointments are now available to everyone.
Show if lead was assigned to agent via API
In cases where our API is used to explicitly assign a lead to an agent, we now show extra information on the timeline for the event that created the user. (e.g. ‘Assigned to: Agent Smith by Zillow’) In all other cases the ‘by …’ is not present.
Add event description in the contact notification email
The contact notification will now include the event description .
Agent Activity Report
The agent activity report has an updated chart and many new data points to help analyze agent performance.
The new data points include:
- Number of leads not acted on
- Speed to action
- Contact attempts
- Response rate
You can compare data points on the chart, for example–compare new leads to outgoing calls. You can also compare to the previous period so you can see how things have changed month-over-month.

Learn more about the agent activity report: http://help.followupboss.com/article/356-agent-activity
Redirect after Login
If you try to go to a URL in FUB2, but aren’t logged in, after you login in you will be taken to that URL (if you have access).

Show more details about action plan email failures
To help customers identify why their action plan emails may have failed, we will show some extra information in the action plan details window.
We’ll also display a link to a new help article explaining these failures: http://help.followupboss.com/article/350-action-plan-email-fail

Email template screen properly updates when new template is added.
There was a bug where newly created email templates would not be immediately added to the email template list and a user would need to refresh the screen to see it. This has now been fixed.
Fix for sending large email attachments
Some customers have been experiencing issues with sending emails with large attachments from Follow Up Boss. Recently we made a change that should alleviate these issues.
Creating appointments in Internet Explorer 11
On the contact screen, there was a bug that prevented people using IE11 from creating an appointment. This is now fixed.
Fix for calendar sometimes freezing
There was an issue with appointments when the start date was after the end date, it would cause the calendar to freeze. This will no longer happen.