August brought us another round of updates and improvements focused on collaboration, major enhancements to follow up speed via text, improvements to how we help organize important information about your contacts and a whole lot more!
New Features
Mention co-workers in notes
Mention a co-worker in a note and they will be notified by email. When adding or editing a note just type @ to select a co-worker. The mention will have the user’s initials and name. Just backspace over the mention to remove it. Keep in mind that if you mention a co-worker that is not the assigned agent, assigned lender or collaborator then they will be added as a collaborator.

Text Message Templates
Text Message Templates are now live! They work similar to email templates, and allow you to see statistics on how effective your templates are.
Reply rate of text message templates can be seen when choosing a template, or on the Admin -> Text Templates page. This is where you can create, edit, share, and delete templates. You can also get a list of who has been sent a text message template.
You can use a text message template from the action plan screen, person screen on the text message tab, and in the inbox when replying to a text message.

Custom Fields sorting and hide if empty
Custom field sorting
Today we are bringing you the ability to sort custom fields. Must be an account owner to order these fields.

The order will directly impact the sort of the custom fields on the person screen as well as the order on the people table.
Hide custom field if empty
If you choose to “Hide [custom field] if empty”, this will hide the custom field on the person view if there is no value set. If any fields are hidden, there will be a “Show all fields” link.

Additional improvements to person details
- Created date has been added in.
- Phone / email link target boxes are now bigger (easier to dial and send an email)
- Addresses now are multiple lines rather than on a single.
Emoji all the things!
We have added an emoji picker for emails, email templates and text messages. So now you can emoji until your
is content.

dotloop integration
With the addition of deals, we’ve has several people ask about a dotloop integration. This integration allows you to create a loop when you create a deal. It will also give you a quick link to view the loop within the dotloop system.
We plan on looking at more ways in which we can improve this integration, so let us know what you’d like to see!

Read more about it in our help article
FUB2: Removing old icons
We were using a library that included extra size to the download of our app. We have removed this icon library so the app should be a bit faster to load now.
Android: Last communication and bug fixes
You’ll now see the last communication date for each lead the system. This date represents any form of communication to or from a lead.

Also included in this update is a fix a bug that prevented the app from opening the expected content when tapping on a received notification (text message reply, new lead, etc.). This is now fixed.
Now when you receive a text message notification, for example, you can tap on it and the app will immediately open and take you to the conversations you’ve had with that lead.
To get this fix, please ensure that you have the latest version of the app.
Action Plan Email Replies
We have made some improvements to action plan emails:
- When shown on the timeline, action plan emails may not show the correct merge fields used at the time of sending the email. This is fixed for all new action plan emails sent going forward
- Reply tracking for email templates was inaccurate because it did not consider emails sent via action plans that used that template, only 1 to 1 emails. This is now fixed going forward.
- When a lead replies to an action plan email, it will now correct turn into an email thread on the timeline instead of remaining a separate timeline item.
Sending an action plan email:

The lead replying:

Email Template reply properly tracked:

Various Improvements
- We have released some small front-end performance improvements.
- Last Visited column is now filterable (again)
- Some styling improvements of text templates
- Small bug fix for IE11
Person Details Section & Social Details
We have improved the person details section. The UX/design is more consistent and easier to use. It should feel quicker to use and we added some extra validation to reduce potential issues with saving data (specifically number fields).
What happened to the Social details box?
We moved social details to the bottom of the person details box under the Custom Fields section. (e.g. it’ll be located at the bottom left of the screen)

Further timeline improvements
We have made further improvements to the timeline to help condense information that can make the timeline hard to scan and find information.
We’ve grouped text and call conversation that happen on the same day between the same recipients when no other activity has happened in between.

Secondly, we’ve also collapsed email content older than 30 days, and collapsed all campaign emails (such as FUB action plan emails) by default.

These changes should help users better navigate the timeline as it will reduce the amount of scrolling needed and provide for faster timeline scanning, while still keeping more recent communication expanded.
Text Overflow
Fixed some styling for a person’s name that is longer than the box it is in. When typing a note, there is a rare chance that the text doesn’t wrap, this is now fixed as well.
Also fixed a couple minor styling issues on the people details page as well as a couple rare bugs.
Rare case when send email button would freeze
There was a rare use case where the send email button would freeze. We have found the issue and released a fix for this.
Email Unsubscribe Icon color
When an email has been unsubscribed, the color is now back to an orange-ish pink type color.

Various Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with selecting phone numbers.
- Fixed an issue with setting an agent or lender when 2 users on the account have the same name.
- Fixed an issue in FF where selecting an empty value would select all values (visually).
- Fixed an issue with notes getting cut off.
Lead sources report: Clicking contact count respects time frame.
We have updated the lead sources report, so that when clicking on the new leads count for a source, it will correctly show the people for the time frame selected rather than showing all leads from that source.