The 5 real estate website tricks that will increase conversions

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Let’s jump into some simple changes to your website you can make to convert more visitors into leads.

I’m going to be using the website of master lead generator Mike Pannell as our example.

1. Fat Footer

At the end of every page you should have a footer with extra navigation for your website visitors to use.

Most websites just abruptly end at the end of the page, which means there is no extra action for the visitor to take.

Like in Mike’s example some good items to include are:

  1. Testimonials
  2. Buyer and Seller Resources
  3. Guides e.g credit repair of first home buyer.
  4. Links to IDX search’s by area
  5. Social media link
Real Estate Website Fat Footer

2. Prominent Phone Number

You want people to call you right? make your phone number prominent in the header of every page and also in the footer. Mike also has a nice call to action at the top of his IDX search results and property pages.

Telling people you want them to call and giving them the number get’s results :), don’t leave your details hidden on your contact us page or in tiny font size.

When they do call make sure your answering the phone quickly and have a system in place like Better Voicemail to catch the people you miss.

Real Estate Phone Number
Real Estate Call To Action

3. Prominent Property Photos and Search

3 seconds, that’s the time you’ve got to capture a web visitors attention before they click the back button.

The number 1 thing buyers want to look at is property information and photos. So make sure it’s immediately obvious they can get that at your website.

Using large high quality photo’s and big easy to use buttons makes the site look nice and tasty for would be home searchers.

Real Estate IDX Photos and Search

Quick check does your website have property information and photos on the homepage? Does clicking search without entering any details bring up an error or does it bring up listings?

4. Include your personal information

People do business with people they like and trust. Adding a photo and a little bit about yourself to your website, turns you into a real live person they can start building a connection with even before you get on the phone.

Notice how we feel like we know movie stars and TV news anchors, it’s because we’ve seen them and heard them speak so much that we start to feel like we know them.

This is why personal video’s are one of the fastest ways to build a connection with someone. Check out The Home Cart Team’s website for an excellent example of this. Blogs are also an excellent way to build up trust with an audience, people will Google you before they do business with you, make sure they find good content.

Realtor Contact Information

5. IDX Lead Capture

A staple of all good real estate IDX websites, whether you choose to force registration or make it optional, make sure your form in nice and appealing. If you need some ideas check out last weeks article on optimizing your IDX Lead Capture form.

IDX Lead Capture Real Estate

So there you have it, what are your best tips for getting more leads from your website? Join the Facebook discussion here.

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